
Being on dementia journey can be lonely and isolating experience but with the right support life can remain full and enriched.

Wicklow Dementia Support offers a befriending service in which our trained volunteers (AlzPals) meet with the person living with dementia on a weekly basis for two hours.

Together they share quality time engaging in activities personally enjoyable to the person living with dementia, whilst offering a break for their carer.

The following details may be useful to know:

  • The person living with dementia and the Alzpal are ‘matched’ where possible, in relation to shared interest and hobbies and geographical area. 
  • All volunteers are trained and insured and Garda vetted.
  • Weekly visits comprising two hours of companionship and fun
  • The activities are chosen and led by the client.

For further information please call us at 085 1345128 or email us at

Application for for services here